+353 (1) 813 54 60
+353 (0)86 047 7571
Personal Effects & B2C
Our Suggestion: create a brief content to highlight the Target of this service (i.e. who best suit this service to / for), Frequency and Destination/s, Routes & Services used (i.e. rail, road and sea), How the service work (i.e. informations on how best prepare / pack the products, collection and / or drop off locations, track & trace etc.).
Our relationship with Arcese and Fratelli Cosulich, global players in the shipping industry, places considerable resources at our disposal. This alliance allows us to organise any transportation worldwide, underlining our capability to cater to complex logistics requirements on a global scale.
Take advantage of our experience to conveniently ship your personal effects and efficiently deliver your business orders.
Service Benefits & Details
Our Suggestion: create a brief content to highlight the Benefits provided by this service (i.e. convenience in costs), Delivery Timeframe and any other details important for disclosure and understanding of the service. The button “Get in Touch” will direct user to the Contact page
Check Availability & Transit Schedules
Our robust groupage service to Italy underscores our dedication to fast and reliable deliveries. The journey begins every Friday from Dublin, with our trailers setting off, packed with the promise of efficient service. Just a few days later, by the following Tuesday, they arrive in our strategically located Milan warehouse.
Price, Booking & Payments
Text to come
Track & Trace
Text to come